
The interest in stars,... I becomed from my grandmother (+1979), many about these things she told me from my infancy. In my childhood often there comed a hobby-astronom (Mr. Auracher) in the workshop of my father, where he was working on parts of his observatorium. Once I was allowed look through his telescope to a small part of the moon (immense enlargement); from him also I became a mirror (~ 2000 mm focal length, 140 mm diameter), witch is blind in the meantime. Any years ago, when I was toying with the idea to built a telescope with this mirror  came across a cheap FINISHED model and so I gave up further inexpert handicraft work.
With this reflector (1000 mm focal length, 114 mm diameter) I spend any partly icy night outdoors observing the sky. In spite of very long exposure time (till 20" / 400-ASA-films) I succeeded in making any usable photos ; I am very happy about the parallaktic fitting as well as its motorized drive.